The Harmony Centre has two frontages – the main entrance facing into The Mall concourse area, with a second entrance facing the eastern side Mall carpark.
The downstairs area is separated into 3 zones, with flexible use spaces at either end of the building, and a central secure office area. The upstairs area has a smaller flexible use space at one end, with a larger central office space, and staff amenities at the rear end of the floor.
Casual Hire for Community Meeting Rooms
Booking are made through our online booking system. Go to our online booking platform to check venue availability and book.
Fees are charged per room.
Casual hire rate: $19.00/hr
Continuing hire rate: $13.00/hr
Meeting Room 1
Located in the shopfront foyer, Room 1 is a large venue space that is accessible from The Mall concourse. Bookings can occur during business hours and after hours. Check our online system for opening hours and availability.
The large glass frontage to the Mall concourse allows for substantial flow of natural light into the venue and an ability for the public to see into the premises. Room 1 is equipped with a disability accessible toilet and a tea & coffee station.
Bookings are made through our online booking system. Go to our online booking platform to check venue availability and book.
Meeting Room 2
Located on the first floor, Room 2 is suitable for community meetings, classes, homework clubs and small seminars.
Room 2 is not wheelchair accessible. A tea & coffee station is available.
Booking are made through our online booking system. Go to our online booking platform to check venue availability and book.
Meeting Room 3
Located at the rear of Shop 48, Room 3 is a medium sized workshop space, equipped with a kitchenette and unisex toilet (not disability accessible).
Bookings for after hours access require groups to pick up a roller door key in advance of the booking date during business hours.
Room 3 has a glass frontage that allows an abundance of natural light into the venue and an ability for the public to see into the venue from the car park.
Booking are made through our online booking system. Go to our online booking platform to check venue availability and book.